Chaparral Ice

Chaparral Ice and the Pro Shop will be closed for ice maintenance May 26-29. We will open for regular programming on Tuesday May 30.

Learn Hockey

Hockey for All Ages

Please note schedule changes:

No Classes Spring Break Week 3/16/25-3/22/25

Anyone can learn to play hockey and it’s never to late to start! Our classes are open to boys and girls ages 3 to 99.

The Hockey Learn to Play Program is an hour-long class that focuses on teaching skaters how to be hockey players by learning stick handling, shooting, passing, body position, and offensive and defensive play.


Children 3-5 years old  will begin in the Hockey Skating Snowplow 1-3 classes.

Children 6-14 will begin in the Hockey Skating Level 1 and Level 2 classes.

Adults 15 + will begin in Hockey Skating Adult Classes. 


Class times are listed below.

View Brochure for August 19-October 11, 2023 session.

Hockey Skating Snowplows

learn to skate hockey

Snowplow 1

Snowplow 1 skaters  will be working on falling down and getting back up, marching across the ice, gliding and introduction to stopping.

Snowplow 2

Snowplow 2 skaters will be learning how to jump, hop, long glide, glide on 1 foot, turn and backwards wiggles, rocking horse swizzle.

Snowplow 3

Snowplow 3 will be working on snowplow stopping, backwards strides, forward strides, backwards swizzles and agility on ice.

Location: Northcross in Austin

Ages: 3-5

When: Sundays 2:30pm

Regular registration closes Sunday, Mar. 1, 2025. All registrations after Mar 1st will be charged a $10 late fee.

Please note schedule changes:

No Classes Spring Break Week 3/16/25-3/22/25

Hockey Skating


Regular registration closes Sunday, Mar. 1, 2025. All registrations after Mar 1st will be charged a $10 late fee.

Please note schedule changes:

No Classes Spring Break Week 3/16/25-3/22/25


Level 1

Hockey Skating Level 1 Skaters will learn how to fall down and get up, how to march across the ice, learn about inside and outside edges, how to glide, turn, snowplow stop and skate using full strides and skate backwards.

Level 2

Skaters a learn to full stride, do cross-overs, do full stops, hockey stops, turn from forward to backwards, Mohawk turns and backwards skating and cross-overs.

Location: Northcross in Austin

Ages: 6-14

When: Sundays 2:30pm, Wednesdays 5:30pm

Youth Hockey Learn to Play


Skaters must have passed from Learn to Skate class in order to enter Learn to Play hockey class. Players will use the American Development Model practice style to learn how to shoot, stick handle, pass and play the game of hockey.

Location: Northcross in Austin

Ages: 3-18

When: Sundays 3:00pm

Pre-requisite: Hockey Skating Level 1 and 2


Regular registration closes Sunday, Mar. 1, 2025. All registrations after Mar 1st will be charged a $10 late fee.

Please note schedule changes:

No Classes Spring Break Week 3/16/25-3/22/25

Hockey Skating Adults

hockey skating adult

Hockey skating class for adults. Teaches participants the basic in hockey skating, striding, stopping, cross-overs, backwards skating. Prepares students for hockey learn to play class.

Location: Northcross in Austin

Ages: 18+

When: Sundays 2:30pm, Wednesdays 6:00pm

hockey skating adult

Regular registration closes Sunday, Mar. 1, 2025. All registrations after Mar 1st will be charged a $10 late fee.

Please note schedule changes:

No Classes Spring Break Week 3/16/25-3/22/25

Hockey Learn to Play Adult

adult hockey

Skaters must have passed from Hockey Skating Adult class in order to enter Learn to Play hockey class. Players will use the American Development Model practice style to learn how to shoot, stick handle, pass and play the game of hockey.

Location: Northcross in Austin

Ages: 18+

When: Sundays 4:15pm

Pre-requisite: Hockey Skating Adult

adult hockey

Regular registration closes Sunday, Mar. 1, 2025. All registrations after Mar 1st will be charged a $10 late fee.

Please note schedule changes:

No Classes Spring Break Week 3/16/25-3/22/25

Girls and Women Development Practice


Online Registration for the June-August session closes July 7th at 11:59pm. All registrations starting July 8, 2022 will incur a $10 late registration fee. 


Girls development practice working on skills, drills and hockey concepts. American Development Model style.

Location: Northcross in Austin

Ages: 5-18

When: Sundays 5:30pm

Free Hockey Skating Introduction Program - Austin Future Stars


Do you have a 4-10 year old who has shown interest in hockey but you are not sure if they will like it? Join the Austin Future Stars program and give it a whirl for FREE.
